Patriotic Posters in American History

Wavy American Flag Proudly Presents

Patriotic Posters in American History

Here is a collection of posters from American history dating from the 1930's to now
I do not own any originals of these, but I do own several reproductions
Local Historical Societies might have copies for you! Or search on-line.

There are also Veterans Day / National POW/MIA Recognition Day / Armed Forces Day Posters below

Click on the poster for a larger version if available.

Uncle Sam - I Want You for the U.S. Army       Uncle Sam - I Want You for the U.S. Army - Enlist Now
Uncle Sam I Want You For The US Army (Recruiting Poster 1)       Uncle Sam I Want You For The US Army (Recruiting Poster 2)
Americans Your Country Needs You (Uncle Sam)
Time Magazine - Land of the Free July 6, 1942
Join American Red Cross (WWII)
The Right Honourable Winston Churchill Commander British Military (WWII) Americas Fishing Fleet and Men Assets to Victory Fish is a Fighting Food - We Need More Are You Doing All You Can Best Fed Soldier in the World
Dont Be Your Own Doctor - If Youre Sick Report Sick Air Raid Precautions Birds of a Feather Bright Future Ahead Steer Clear of VD Avoid Venereal Disease For Their Sake
Men Who Know Say No to Prostitutes Spreaders of Syphilis and Gonarrhea Juke Joint Sniper Syphilis and Gonorrhea Beware - Drink Only Approved Water Britain is Grateful The British War Relief Society of USA China First to Fight United China Relief Participating in National War Fund
Civil Defense - America Calling America Calling - Take Your Place in Civilian Defense For Service in Civilian Defense Air Raid Precautions Have Been Taken Here Civil Defense Chart
Eyes of the Home Skies - Civil Air Patrol Courage and Gallantry in Action US Army Can I Tell em You Are Still With Us - Next Stop Tokyo Disarm This Rat Now - 5th Columnist Doctors Are Scarce Learn First-Aid
Do Not Let Anything Happen to Them Thousands of Curtiss Stars Say Dont Let Us Down Do Not Shiver Next Winter Order Coal Now For Your Countrys Sake Woman Recruiting Give em Room - Millions of Fighters Must Travel
Give My Boy a Chance to Get Home Give to the American Chocolate Fund This Happens Every 3 Minutes Stay on the Job and Get it Over Help Bring Them Back to You Make Yours a Victory Home Help Our Boys Get These Crosses - and Not These
He is Watching You It is Your War Make it Your Victory Jap - You Are Next - We Will Finish the Job Just By Keeping Well (WWII) Keep US Flying Above All
Bombing Hitler - When - It Is Up To You Fight the Red Menace God Help Me If This is a Dud Volunteer and Choose Your Own Brance of Service (Uncle Sam) Where Our Men are Fighting Our Food is Fighting
You Give Us the Fire We Will Give em Hell Lets Go Everybody Keep em Firing I Will Give em Hell - You Give Me the Stuff If It Is Worth Living Under - It Is Worth Fighting For Let Us Keep the Glow in Old Glory and The Free in Freedom Too (WW1) Smoking Stacks Attract Attacks Dont Invite Disaster
Lets Show Them (Fist) Miles of Hell to Tokyo Work Where You Are Needed Warning Our Homes Are in Danger Now Dont Fall For Enemy Propaganda He is Plenty Tough Because He Eats Plenty
Polish War Relief Ring His Death Knell Back Up Our Battleskies Schools at War We Are Ready What About You Send Us More - and Fast (digital edit) Citizen Service on the Home Front
Soldier Take Care of Your GI and it Will Take Care of You Speed Speed Speed (FDR) Lets Go Everybody Keep em Firing Stamp em Out Beat Your Promise Stamp it Out Sabotage Menaces Your Lives and National Defense Your Eyes Can Stop the Saboteur Be Ever Watchful
Happy Landing - Do Not Let Sabotage Wreck It Warning From The FBI - Enemy Agents Stamp Out Black Markets With Your Ration Stamps Are You Playing Square Dont Feed Black Market Greed
Stamp Out the Axis Star of Glory (Poetry) Stop em Over There Now Take it From Me Brother - We Still Got a Big Job to Do The Girls Behind the Men Behind the Guns
The Size of This American Military Cemetery Depends on What You do Today These Colors Will Not Run They Gave Their Best - Give Yours - Back Up Our Battleskies They Are Closer Than You Think This is Nazi Brutality
This is the Enemy (Hanging in Eye) This is the Enemy (The Holy Bible Stabbed) Just Like Modern Day Liberals Thousands of Curtis STARS say - Do Not Let Us Down - Back Up Our Battleskies Together For Victory - This Is Not Peace - It is War Uncle Sam in a Workers Cap
Uncle Sam Its Up to You Protect the Nations Honor (WW1) Uncle Sam Needs Your Skill Uncle Sam Were All in the Army Now Lets All Work To Win United Nations in Pre-Anti-Freedom-Pro-Terrorist Days United We Are Strong United We Will Win US Allies
United We Win USO - Until They Are Home VICTORY Acronym War Traffic Must Come First Dont Waste Transportation We Are at War - Work to Keep em Fighting
We Are Fighting to Prevent This - Nazi Crunching a Church The United States We Will Live In (1945) We Can Do It For War Service - Seeing it Through - Are You We Have Just Begun to Fight
We Have Just Begun to Fight - Watch Us Put it Across We Will Take Care of the Rising Sun You Take Care of Rising Prices Wearing Different Uuniforms But We All Have the Same Big Job Lets Go Everybody Keep em Firing When in Doubt Lights Out Alaska Death Trap For the Jap
We Beat em Before We Will Beat em Again Work the Way They Fight and We Will Win Work to Set em Free Work to Keep em Firing You Knock em Out Well Knock em Down More Production You Talk About Sacrifice He Knew the Meaning of Sacrifice
Yours For Victory Take Care of em (Uncle Sam) Designed For Living Take Care of Your Gas Mask Uncle Sam - Youve Got What it Takes Soldier Now Take Care of What Youve Got US Means Us Soldier - It is Our Property Lets Take Care Of It Arrived Safely Because No One Talked
Do Not Be a Sucker Keep Your Mouth Shut Because Somebody Talked Careless Talk Costs Lives - Wanted For Murder Careless Talk Could Kill Her Daddy Careless Talk Did This Keep it Under Your Stetson (WWII)
Careless Talk Telling a Friend May Mean Telling the Enemy Careless Talk This Man May Die if You Talk Too Much (WWII) Careless Talk Sailor Beware Loose Talk Can Cost Lives Careless Talk Got There First Careless Word - A Needless Sinking
A Careless Word - Another Cross A Careless Word A Needless Loss Silence Means Security Be Careful What You Say or Write Silence Means Security - WAC Free Speech Does Not Mean Careless Talk
I Have Not Talked Yet Open Trap - Make Happy Jap - Keep em Pulling For Victory Less Dangerous Than Careless Talk Somebody Blabbed - Button Your Lip I Pledge Allegiance and Silence About the War
If You Must Talk Tell It to The Marines If You Tell Where He is Going He May Never Get There Counting on You Do Not Discuss Troop Movements Be Like Dad - Keep Mum Careless Talk Costs Lives Do Not Crow - It is an Easy Way to Lose the War
Keep Your Trap Shut Do Not Give the Rats Any Information Loose Talk Can Cause This Loose Lips Might Sink Ships Dont Be a Dope and Spread Inside Dope Loose Talk Can Cost Lives Loose Talk Can Cost Lives Keep It Under Your Stetson
Careless Talk Cost Lives Mr Hitler Wants to Know Our Carelessness is Their Secret Weapon Someone Talked Careless Talk Someone Talked Shipped Sanked Watch Yourself Pal - Be Careful What You Say or Write
We Caught Hell - Someone Must Have Talked Who Wants to Know Silence Means Security What I Know I Keep to Myself - Careless Talk Costs Lives Quiet Know Your Place and Shut Your Face Americans Suffer When Careless Talk Kills
Award For Careless Talk Closed for the Duration Careless Talk Costs Lives - Crossed-Out Lips Let Me Do The Talking - Serve in Silence Bits of Careless Talk
No Room For Rumors (Uncle Sam) You Pen an Enemy Weapon Not If You Keep What You Know To Yourself Keep em Guessing - Remember This is War Uncle Sam I am Counting on You Zipp It Careless Talk Costs Lives
Four Freedoms of President Franklin D Roosevelt Norman Rockwells Four Freedoms Freedom Of Speech - War Bonds Freedom of Worship - War Bonds Freedom From Fear - Ours to Fight For
Freedom From Want - Ours to Fight For Attack Attack Attack - Buy War Bonds Buy Bonds Do Not Let that Shadow Touch Them Is He Your Child You Dont Want This Back You Future With US Savings Bonds
Boys and Girls - You Can Help Uncle Sam Win the War Keep Licking War Stamps Full of Vitamin V Boy Scouts (Pre-Pro-Perverts) Buy Third Liberty Loan (WW1) Fire Away - Buy Extra Bonds - 5th War Loan Let em Have It - Buy More Bonds - 4th War Loan
Buy Extra Bonds Back em Up General Eisenhower War Bonds and Stamps Even a Little Can Help a Lot Now War Bonds Are Cheaper Than Wooden Crosses Buy a Share in America - War Savings Bonds Buy - Save - Beat the Devil
Buy War Bonds - 3rd War Loan Young Boy With Ball Glove Buy Bonds For Babys Future - Black Baby Buy Bonds For Babys Future - White Baby Protect His Future - Buy Bonds Buy Bonds For Their Future
Buy Bonds - It is No Sacrifice - Missing in Action Buy Bonds - Uncle Sam with Flag Buy Bonds - 85 Million Americans Hold Buy Bonds For Victory Put at Least 10 Percent Buy Bonds Back the Attack - Farmers and Flag
Buy Bonds For Future Repairs and Replacements Buy Bonds For Food Guns Planes Tanks - Quick Buy Bonds Back the Attack - Paratrooper Buy Bonds - Invest in Invasion Your War Bonds Are a Stake in the Future
Buy Bonds - Carry Your Load Buy Bonds Celebrate the Fourth Buy Extra Buy Bonds George Washington Carver Quote Buy Bonds Be Mum Spies Are Everywhere Buy Bonds Lets Start the New Year Right (1943)
Buy Bonds Make Victory Secure Buy Bonds and Stamps Each Week at School (1945) Buy Bonds Make Your Own Declaration of War (1942) Buy Bonds The Crop That Never Fails (1946) Buy Bonds This Was Once Good Earth (1944) Care is Costly - Buy Bonds
Christmas Bond and Stamps Give War Bonds For Christmas Buy Bonds The Present With a Future War Bonds Buy Bonds For Liberty and Peace on Earth Doing all You Can Brother - Buy Bonds
Stamp em Out - Buy Bonds US Against the Big Three Buy Bonds Seventh War Loan Buy Extra Here Buy Bonds Sweep With Broom Fifth War Loan Buy Bonds to Keep Our Land Secure For a Secure Future - Buy War Bonds
You Buy em - We Will Fly em Now All Together - 7th War Loan Buy Bonds Uncle Sam Sets the Best Table Buy Bonds We Will Keep Going - You Keep Giving Buy Bonds For All The Brave
Buy Bonds For Freedoms Sake Buy Bonds If You Cant Go Across Come Across Hasten the Homecoming - Buy War Bonds Buy Bonds Speed the Day Buy Bonds - Till We Meet Again
Keep These Hands Off - Buy Bonds Buy Bonds For Him Thanks For Buying Them Bonds To Have and to Hold Buy War Bonds Little Girl To Have and to Hold - War Bonds
Above All Keep em Flying - Buy Bonds Al Caps Little Abner Daisy Mae Selling Bonds 1945 Buy Bonds Git Mad Al Caps Little Abner Deliver Us From Evil - Buy War Bonds She is Ready Too - Buy War Bonds
You Can Not Afford to Miss Either - Buy Bonds Every Payday Next Japan - 6th War Loan V - Invest (in Victory War Bonds) War Stamps - Lets Blast em Japanazis - Popeye the Sailor US Savings Bonds Will Help Get You There - Payroll Savings
Buy Bonds Over The Top For You Buy Bonds WW1 era Ad Turn D-Day Into V-Day Faster by Keeping on the Job Army Air Forces Over the Ramparts We Watch Army Air Force Fly
To Victory - US Army Air Corps US Army Air Corps - Wings Over America Keep em Flying is Our Battle Cry - First-Class Fighting Men Needed Insignia of the US Army Join The Army Call to Duty (WW1)
Army Corps of Engineers We Clear the Way Action - Men of 18 and 19 Choose Your Combat Branch If The Cap Fits Join The Army Today Stop Waiting Get Ready to Beat Hitler Go Enlist Now Treat em Rough Join the Tanks
Responsibility and Character - US Army Army Corps of Military Police Army - Follow Me Army Medical Department Service Above Self Uncle Sam Ready to Fight
US Army - Then Now Forever - 1943 Become a Paratrooper Jump Into the Fight Are You a Girl With a Star Spangled Heart Join the WAC Now I Would Rather Be With Them Than Waiting WAC Good Soldier - Womans Army Corp
WAC Going Where We Are Needed Most Do Your Part - Join the WAAC - Womens Army Auxiliary Corps Army - You Can Now Choose Your Branch WAC I am in This War Too Join the WAC - This is My War Too
Choose the Navy While You Can You Deliver the Ships Well Deliver the Goods Dont Slow Up the Ship (WWII) Deliver For D-Day He Volunteered For Submarine Service Sub Spotted - Let em Have It - Lend a Hand - Enlist in Your Navy Today
Man the Guns - Join the Navy Navy Day Your Fleet Guarantees Freedom October 27 1944 Navy Day October 27th Navy Day October 27th First Line of Defense Gee I Wish I Were a Man Id Join The Navy
Join The Navy The Service for Fighting Men Smack the Japs Volunteer For Submarine Duty Something Doing Boys Uncle Sams on the Bridge Enlist Navy All Hands Needed - Stay With Your Ship Dont Read History - Make It - US Navy Recruting
US Marines Plant Flag on Suribachi Iwo Jima (Painting) US Marines Soldiers of the Sea (WW1) Face the Future With The US Marines Hit Hard and Often With The US Marines Lets Go Get em US Marines
Enlist Now US Marine Corps Tarawa (1944) Enlist Now US Marine Corps The Marshalls (1945) First in the Fight Always Faithful Be a Marine (WW1) US Marine Corps Birthday and  Anniversary 167 Years of Faithful Service (Nov 10 1942) Ready - Join The US Marine Corps Land Sea Air
Always Advance With The US Marines Land Sea Air 167th Anniversary (1942) US Marine Corps Womans Reserve So Proudly We serve Be a Marine Free a Marine to Fight Be a Marine-Free a Marine to Fight-Marine Corps Womans Reserve US Marines Defend America on Land at Sea in the Air
Smack em Down Fly With The US Marines Always on the Alert - US Marines Semper Fidelis 168th Anniversary 11-10-1943 US Marine Corps US Marines - Insignia of Enlisted Ranks Want Action - Join the USMC (WW1)
US Marines Want You - Enlist Now Marines Raise Flag Atop Suribachi Iwo Jima February 1945 Tell That to the Marines Setting the Course to Victory With the US Coast Guard SPARS - Serve With Womens Reserve - US Coast Guard
Spars Lady Coast Guard Make a Date With Uncle Sam Cadet Nurse Corps Free Education Be a Cadet Nurse - The Girl With a Future Enlist in a Proud Profession Join the US Cadet Nurse Corps
Join the US Cadet Nurse Corps Bring Him Home Sooner - Join the WAVES (1944) Enlist in the WAVES US Navy (1943) Do Not Miss Your Great Opportunity The Navy Needs You in the WAVES You Will Be Happy Too Serving as a WAVE in The Navy
Little sis Wish I Could Join Too WAVES Avenge Pearl Harbor Avenge Pearl Harbor Join the Navy Now Avenge Pearl Harbor - Our Bullets Will Do It Remember Pearl Harbor
Remember December 7 Pearl Harbor These Colors Will Not Run - Remember Pearl Harbor Join the Holiday Spirit US Air Force The Skys No Limit (1960s) Become a Nurse Your Country Needs You
American Junior Red Cross Hospital Workers of the American Red Cross (1945) Be Ready For Your War Service - Red Cross Student Reserve I Summon You to the Comradeship - Red Cross I Summon You to the Comradeship - Red Cross Christmas Roll Call
Keep Your Red Cross at His Side - Give - Army Keep Your Red Cross at His Side - Give - Navy Your Red Cross is at His Side (Army) Thirty Minutes of Your Time New Blood Donors (WWII) This is Trench Foot Prevent It (1944)
Time Out For Injuries in Battle Cant Be Helped (1943) Your Red Cross Needs You (Uncle Sam by James M Flagg) Red Cross War Fund Our Greatest Mother Red Cross - CIO Still Serving - Support the Red Cross Support the Red Cross - National CIO War Relief Committee - Soldier
Red Cross Workers in Camp and Overseas Serve Our Fighting Forces Vital Statistics - One Pint of Blood plus Red Cross Equals One Life Volunteer For Victory - Offer Your Services to Your Red Cross They Fight For You Red Cross Your Blood Can Save Him (1945)
Be With Him at Every Mail Call It Does Not Have to be Lonely Over Seas - v-Mail Reach Your Boy Overseas by V-mail V-Mail Easy to Write Christmas Overseas Gifts Mail
Give More Books - Give Good Books 1943 Books Wanted For Our Men in Camp and Over There Victory Book Campaign - We Want Books United States Unemployment Census (1931) Can All You Can Conservation
US Needs Us Strong - Eat Nutritional Food Every Available Piece of Land Must Be Cultivated Grow Your Own Food Grow More Food National Food Campaign (WWII) A Clear Plate Means a Clear Conscience Dont Take More Than You Can Eat (WWII) Of Course I Can - I am Patriotic as Can Be
Airacobra - Poison to the Axis Plant a Victory Garden Our Food is Fighting Grow Your Own and Can Your Own Food is a Weapon Dont Waste It Keep it Clean - Do Not Waste Food
Doggoneit These Folks Know Theres a War On Homemade Bread Wins the War We Have a Victory Garden Grow Your Own and Be Sure Your Farm Can Help - Food For Freedom
Farmers Uncle Sam Asks You to Get Ready For the 1944 Census Fill It and Help Harvest War Crops For Your Farm and Your Country - Invest in War Bonds Get Your Farm in the Fight Groundwork For Victory - Grow More in '44
Help Harvest - Join the US Crop Corps Help Harvest War Crops - Join the US Crop Corps Dig On For Victory Pitch in and Help - Join the Womens Land Army of the US Crop Corps Put Your Muscle on a War Basis - Sign Up For a Farm Job
Join the US School Garden Army Be a Victory Farm Volunteer in the US Crop Corps Victory Garden - Farmers Market Community Patch - Wear it With Pride Work on a Farm This Summer Join the US Crop Corps Absenteeism Do Not Let this Bug Get You
Blue Stars or Gold Stars - Depends on Your Work Did He Die Too Soon Because He Washed Up Too Soon Do It Right - Make It Bite Follow Safety Rules Its Plain Horse Sense Act Think Safety (1942)
Safe US Committee For the Care of European Children (WWII) Can We Do it Better or Faster - We Want Your Ideas Get Hot and Keep Moving Freedom of the Seas in Your Hands - Dont Slow Up the Ship Bowl Them Over More Production
Bundles For Berlin More Production Every Bomb Load Counts - Make em Right Get in and Punch Building Arms For Victory Give em the Stuff to Fight With Give em the Stuff to Fight With For Freedom
Hats Off and Sleaves Up for The Flag Free Labor Must Destroy Axis Slavery Free Labor Will Win Free Workers - Free Industry - United We Will Win Get the Jap and Get it Over - Work Where You Are Needed
They Give the Job All They Have Got Target For Today Victory Through Production Todays Minute Men Doing a Great Job on the Home Front Uncle Sam - Production Means Life or Death - Think - Dont Loose One Minute - Work United We Stand - Divided We Fall - Beat the Promise
Up and At em - Build More Planes What You Are Making May Save My Daddys Life Youre Darn Tootin We Will Keep em Shootin Youve Got a Hand in the Fight Our Work Meets the Test on the Invasion Front Uncle Sams Big Headache Absenteeism Injures Our Fighting Men
Are You Missing From This Picture - Teamwork Wins Have You Been AWOL He is Absent - Is Your Reason as Good I Have a Real War Job Job - Attack on All Fronts
Do Not Steal From The Government - Congress Hates Competition You Can Fool Everybody But God and Your Conscience Give a Full Days Work Back Up Our Battleskies Step on em Work to Win The More Women at Work the Sooner We Win Take Care Idle Hands Work For Hitler
America Needs Your Eyes-Hands-Body - Be Careful Avoid Accidents Dont Get Hurt It May Cost His Life Casualties on Our Home Front - They Can Be Avoided Dont Get Hurt - I Need You on the Job Full-Time Avoid Fatigue Eat a Lunch That Packs a Punch
That is the Spot to Hit - Give Us the Stuff and We Will Hit It Casualty Mechanic It Was Amusing til He Found The Bomb-Bay Tanks (1943) Suppose it Wont Do Its Job It Will Thats Our Job (1942) To Every Ordnance Worker From the Chief (1942) Gas You Dont Use is Hitlers Bad News
In the Army Behind the Army Lets Keep em Pulling For Victory Knock the Heil Out of Hitler Lets Keep em Pulling For Victory Fore Lets Put Everything Into This Drive Its an All-Out Drive to Keep em Firing (1942) Nooses For Nazis Lets Keep em Pulling For Victory The Day You Were Absent Fellow Americans Were Dying For You on the Battlefields
The Second Front Depends on the Home Front - Beat the Promise The Second Front is Right Here Produce More For Victory Women There is Work to Be Done and a War to Be Won Now More Production Puts the Axis on the Run More Production Bomb the Axis
Each Little Error Gives Our Enemies More Time Partners With Hitler When You Are Absent Without Good Reason Produce For Victory Swing It Brother Dont Slow Up the Ship Keep em Launching Get a War Job
Secretaries of War Give em Hell Boys - You Can Bank on Us I am Proud My Husband Wants Me to Do My Part Keep em Coming and Coming Right Keep em Fighting Production Wins Wars Stop Accidents
Not Only Hats Off - Sleeves Up For National Defense Pass the Ammunition - The Army Needs More Lumber You Build em Well Drive em Lets Keep em Pulling For Victory (1942) Save a Minute Now to Save Them From Slavery We Are Building Arms For Victory Soldiers Without Guns
The Girl He Left Behind is Still Behind Him The Yanks Are There - The Army Needs Lumber for Trucks Do not Be a Job Hopper Spike the Jap - Get a Rail Job This is Our Fight Too Buddy Come on Gang We Are Building Arms For Victory
American Labor Producing For Attack Dont Let Me Down You Are Still Free to Work What You Make Can Prevent This Women in the War We Cant Win Without Them A New Year A New Suggestion
Veterans - Jobs in the Federal Government When Youre AWOL Youre Working For The Axis Work in a Food Processing Plant Work to Win or You Will Work For Him Stop Him and the Job is Done
Step on it - Lets Keep em Pulling For Victory Together We Can Do It - Labor and Management - Keep em Firing Together We Win - Get Behind Your Labor-Management Committee Tools Are Weapons Treat em Right Ambition Success Constant Companions
Another American Ace - Keep em Firing It Can Happen Here - Keep em Firing Keep em Firing - He is Counting on Us Keep em Firing - His Accuracy Depends on Ours Keep em Firing - We Are Putting the Stings in Americas Wings
Be Careful Do Not Be a War Casualty A Blow to the Axis - More Lumber Crack the Axis With Uninterupted Production They Are Watching Us Plenty Put All Your Power in the Job Defend America Freedom - Its Everybodys Job
Appreciate America - Do Your Share Appreciate America - Let's Smash the Bottleneck Appreciate America - List of Freedoms Appreciate America - Remember Your Duty to America Appreciate America - Stop the Fifth Column
Appreciate America - With Donald Duck Appreciate America - With Mickey Mouse Appreciate America Everybody Pull Together (Uncle Sam 1942) Our Country is the Best in the World Keep it That Way Better Than a Rabbits Foot - Keep America Free
It is Our Fight Til The Finish Keep Your Sights on Victory Keep America Free Let Up and You Let Me Down Keep America Free Lets Keep the Offensive Rolling Keep America Free Nice Going Baby - Keep America Free
On To Berlin - Back em All the Way Job is Only Half Done - Lets Finish It Production Will Put Them Behind the Eight Ball Right Down Our Alley Production Keep em Pulling For Victory Backing Up Our Bombers
Carrying Cargoes of Men and Supplies Keep em Pulling For Victory Excuse Our Dust Lets Keep em Pulling For Victory Beat the Promised Date Shall We Let Him Get Away With It Keep em Pulling For Victory Destination Fighting Front - Keep em Rolling
Give Him the Greater Gift We are Helping Him Strike em Out Keep em Rolling Keep em Flying is Our Battle Cry Do Your Part For Duty Honor Country Lets Keep em Flying Army E Navy Dont Let em Down - Keep em Flying With Spares
Liberty For All Keep em Flying Victory Waits For Your Fingers Keep em Flying Miss USA Lay-Offs Cost Lives - Keep em Firing Lets All Pull Together - To Keep It Flying Lets Catch Him With His Panzers Down
Set em on Their Axis Lets Go Everybody Keep em Firing Their Lives are in Our Hands - Let us Keep em Firing Victory and Non-Stop Work Will Speed It Lets Go Everybody Keep em Firing We Shall Not Let Him Down Work to Keep em Firing (General Douglas Mac Arthur) Whack the Jap on the Back of His Lap Lets Go Everybody Keep em Firing
X Marks the Spot - Keep em Firing You Give Us the Fire We Will Give em Hell (US Marine Pin-Up Girl) Your Job is to Keep em Shooting Give Him a Putsch in the Puss Step on it - Lets Go Everybody Keep em Firing
It is a Two Fisted Fight - Keep em Fighting Americans Will Always Fight for Liberty Dorie Miller, US Navy Hero (1919-1943) Twice a Patriot - Obie Bartlett Patriotism Among Other Things Means Voting 1937
Private Joe Louis - We Are on Gods Side This Flag Has Earned the Right to Be the Most Respected Independence Day 1942 Victory - Whatever It Costs It Is Worth It To the Memory of All Those Who Already Have Given Their Lives Lets All Pull Together - Pulling for Victory
Pontiac Division of General Motors Troops Support Never in Chains His Future Depends on Us Their Future Depends on You (WWII) Work - Fight - Give - To Stop Any Dictator
Our Forefathers Fought and Died for This Freedom Keep That Hat on High Liberty - Preserve This Heritage Sacrifice - The Privilege of Free Men All Fuel is Scarce
Buzzard Waits For Waste When You Ride Alone You Ride With Hitler Join A Car Sharing Club Shoot For Par on Every Drive Four to a Car and Even Five Share-a-Ride and Conserve Rubber to Keep em Firing Open Your Door For One More Share Your Car (WWII) I Will Carry Mine Too - Trucks and Tires Must Last Till Victory
Do With Less so They Have Enough Dont Waste Water Car Club - Pile One More On It Will Be a Great Day - Conservation War Shipments Mean Less Fuel For All
Have You Really Tried to Save Gas By Getting Into a Car Club Save Waste Fats For Explosives Save Waste Fats For Gunpowder Save Your Cans - Pass the Ammunition Like Digging A Foxhole Make Conservation a Habit
Me Travel - Not This Summer - Vacation at Home Millions of Troops Are on the Move is Your Trip Necessary The Army is Counting on You For More Metal War Industry Needs Water - Conserve Waste Helps the Enemy - Conserve Material
America Has Plenty If it is Used Wisely Watch Your Waste Line Conserve Food Food is Ammo Dont Waste It Go Through Your Wardrobe Make-Do and Mend (WWII) Still More Rags Wanted For Salvage (1943) Back em Up With More Metal
Your Metal is on the Attack - Keep it Coming Your Metal Keeps em Shooting Your Scrap Brought It Down Keep Scrapping Iron Steel Rubber All Metal Rags (1942) Your Scrap Brought It Down Keep Scrapping Rubber Metal Rags (1942) Farm Scrap Builds Destroyers
Farm Scrap Builds Tanks and Guns Save Scrap to Beat the Jap
Your Metal Fights the Japs - Keep it Coming We Will Lick em - Just Give Us the Metal Only the Best Can Be Aviation Cadets US Air Force

Civil Air Patrol on the Air Force Team

Nazi Sowers of Death

Do Your Part to Win the War - Buy More War Savings Stamps Find Your War Job in Industry-Agriculture-Business Give Us Lumber For More PTs

Join Us in a Victory Job
We French Workers Warn You Give Your Support to the USO With Donald Duck

Buy Bonds Before Its Too Late (1942)

War Bond Ten Dollars War Bond Twenty Five Dollars War Bond Fifty Dollars
War Bond One Hundred Dollars War Bond Two Hundred Dollars

Give It Your Best

Saturday Evening Post Cover Rosie the Riveter 05-29-1943 by Norman Rockwell
Rosie the Riveter
Jimmy Stewart Soldier
Jimmy Stewart
Major Clark Gable
Clark Gable

Just two of dozens of Hollywood Icons to become
Real True-to-Life Heroes

Some Patriotic Comic Covers

How Boys and Girls Can Help Win the War (1942)
My Favorite Comic Book
How Boys and Girls Can Help Win The War (1942)

Action Comics 58
Captain America Comics #1 March 1941 4 Most Comics #3 Ace Comics #65 King Comics #76 Miss America #2 November 1944
American Dream 01 July 2008 Captain Marvel #26 Master Comics #30 Master Comics #40 Whiz Comics #44
Supergirl #80 May 2003 Superman #12 Superman #14 Superman #18 Superman #24
Superman #53 March 1991 Team America #01 June 1982 Walt Disney Comics #22 Mickey Mouse #46 Barbie #45
Yankee Doodle #1

Captain America - Stars and Stripes Forever

Veteran's Day

November 11th
Veterans Marching WWII With USA and USMC Flags (Painting)

The following Veteran's Day Posters are from the Veterans Day Official Homepage

Veterans Day 1978Veterans Day 1979Veterans Day 1980
Veterans Day 1981Veterans Day 1982Veterans Day 1983
Veterans Day 1984Veterans Day 1985Veterans Day 1986
Veterans Day 1987Veterans Day 1988Veterans Day 1989
Veterans Day 1990Veterans Day 1991Veterans Day 1992
Veterans Day 1993Veterans Day 1994Veterans Day 1995
Veterans Day 1996Veterans Day 1997Veterans Day 1998
Veterans Day 1999Veterans Day 2000Veterans Day 2001
Veterans Day 2002Veterans Day 2003Veterans Day 2004
Veterans Day 2005Veterans Day 2006Veterans Day 2007
Veterans Day 2008Veterans Day 2009Veterans Day 2010
Veterans Day 2011Veterans Day 2012Veterans Day 2013
Veterans Day 2014Veterans Day 2015Veterans Day 2016
Veterans Day 2017Veterans Day 2018Veterans Day 2019
Veterans Day 2020Veterans Day 2021Veterans Day 2022
Veterans Day 2023

Patriot Day Greeting Card by Aloysius Patrimonio Patriot Day 911 Least We Forget

National POW/MIA Recognition Day

The following National POW/MIA Recognition Day Posters are from the
The National League of POW/MIA Families
National POW/MIA Recognition Day
(Observed each year on the third Friday of September)

POW/MIA Day 1999POW/MIA Day 2000POW/MIA Day 2001
POW/MIA Day 2002POW/MIA Day 2003POW/MIA Day 2004
POW/MIA Day 2005POW/MIA Day 2006POW/MIA Day 2007
POW/MIA Day 2008POW/MIA Day 2009POW/MIA Day 2010
POW/MIA Day 2011POW/MIA Day 2012POW/MIA Day 2013
POW/MIA Day 2014POW/MIA Day 2015POW/MIA Day 2016
POW/MIA Day 2017POW/MIA Day 2018POW/MIA Day 2019
POW/MIA Day 2020POW/MIA Day 2021POW/MIA Day 2022

POW/MIA Day 2023

Vietnam Veterans Day, March 29th

Vietnam Veterans Day 2018 Vietnam Veterans Day 2019 Vietnam Veterans Day 2020

Vietnam Veterans Day 2021 Vietnam Veterans Day 2022 Vietnam Veterans Day 2023

Being a Vietnam Veteran Never Ends

Armed Forces Day

(The 3rd Saturday in May every year since 1950)
A Day to Thank our Military Members for their Patriotic Service
Visit the Armed Forces Day Official Homepage

Armed Forces Day 1951 Armed Forces Day 2000 Armed Forces Day 2001
Armed Forces Day 2002 Armed Forces Day 2003 Armed Forces Day 2004
Armed Forces Day 2005 Armed Forces Day 2006 Armed Forces Day 2007
Armed Forces Day 2008 Armed Forces Day 2009 Armed Forces Day 2010
Armed Forces Day 2011 Armed Forces Day 2012 Armed Forces Day 2013
Armed Forces Day 2014 Armed Forces Day 2015 Armed Forces Day 2016
Armed Forces Day 2017 Armed Forces Day 2018 Armed Forces Day 2019
Armed Forces Day 2020 Armed Forces Day 2021 Armed Forces Day 2022

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Last updated 07/04/2024

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